I found my love for little things in the garden looking at the smallest creatures, flowers, textures and colours through the eyes of a little girl.
You see Greece has a great tradition of Gold and Silversmithing but it has been through technical Highschools or through apprenticeships. In 2000 the first handmade jewellery technicians college opened and I was of the first students to graduate. Among the subjects taught there was jewellery design, traditional silversmithing techniques (workshop), line drawing, history of art and gemmology. Working with an Armenian goldsmith I gained practical experience and carried on studying gemmology with the Gemmological Association of Great Britain (Gem-A) for two more years. The way the stones form within the earth and how can we identify them from the remains of that process found in the inclusions mesmerized me since.
When I first came to Scotland, in the summer of 2008, I travelled with work in a variety of locations and became fascinated with the country and its people. When I list expected it I met a loud Polish angler who taught me how to tie fishing flies. Looking to do something creative during the weekend, I quickly used those materials to make jewellery.
I couldn't wait to have a space of my own to start making jewellery. A few years later I met my partner in life, moved to the Scottish Highlands and started my new adventure, family and business. On our croft, we are constantly exploring new ways to become self-sufficient and live a zero- waste life.
I am delighted to be able to offer you a beautiful place to visit, and unique jewellery to see. Why not book a workshop, try a new skill and make some new memories from your visit.
Contact me at [email protected] or WhatsApp 07393641818 I am looking forward to hearing from you.